“Samudra Manthan & the law describing ‘SHRAVAN ’ “


Man Se Laksh Tak : Day 5

18.07.2023 (16:10 to 16:25)

According to Hindu Religion, there are two calendars namely Solar & Lunar. Now-a-days we all follow Gregorian Calendar (January to December ). But, all Hindu Festivals are based upon the Solar ‘Sun’ Calendar (Saka Samvat) and Lunar ‘Moon’ (Vikram Samvat). These calendars are referred to as ‘Panchang’.


These Hindu Calendar concept and its design is even found in Babylonian Calendar. The concept of maintaining time, as per cycles of the sun & moon, to ensure, suitability for festivals and seasonal change, astronomy, can be found in RIGVEDA.


Hindu Calendar maintains the integrity based upon the above system, but adds an extra full month, once at every 32nd or 33rd months. The present year, 2023, specifically Saka Samvat 1945 or Vikram Samvat 2080 , is one such year  in which, there is Adhik Mas ( extra month ) after Shravan (fifth month) in the Hindu Calendar. This is very rare, which occurs only once in 19 Years.


Calculatioin for Saka Samvat 2023 – 78 = 1945 ;  Saka Calendar started in 78 AD. Therefore, minus 78 from Gregorian Calendar would fetch current Saka Samvat.




Calculation for Vikram Samvat 2023 + 57 = 2080 ; Vikram Samvat started 57 years before Gregorian Calendar. Therefore, plus 57 in the Gregorian Calendar would fetch Vikram Samvat.




North East India follows Solar Calendar whereas West South India follows Lunar calendar.


As per Hindu Calendar, the names of the months are: 1. Chaitra 2. Vaishak 3. Jayest 4. Ashadh 5. Shravan 6. Bhadra 7. Ashwin 8. Kartik 9. Magshar 10. Posh 11. Maha 12. Falgun


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The description of the present month “Shravan” can be found in SHIV PURAN”. Wherein ‘Samudra Manthan’ is the very important event as per Ved, Puran, Mahabharat, Bhagwad Gita. Samudra Manthan is described in Shiv Puran specifically; from the 24000 shlokas and 7 chapters namely, Vidyeshwar Samhita, Rudra Samhita, Shatrudra Samhita, Kotirudra Samhita, Uma Samhita and Kailash Samhita, Vayu Samhita.


There are 3 GODS as per Hindus, Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh (Shiva). Other than that, there are Devas and Asuras. Deities are devas and evils / demons are asuras. Devas are good & found in Swarg whereas Asuras are evil & found in Nark.


The event of Samudra Manthan, which took place in SATYUG, means Churning of the milky ocean, by two teams one of devas and second of asuras, its like tug of war. During the churning, what emerged from Sagar was 1. Chandra 2. Parijat 3. Airavat 4. kamdhenu 5. Madira 6. Kalpvruksh 7. Apsaras 8. Uccihshrava 9. Lakshmi 10. Panchjanya 11. Mace & Magic Bow 12. Gems 13. Dhanvantari 14. Amrit. But, during churning, one such lethal poison emerged known as “Halahal”. This poison was so dreadful and dangerous that can destroy the universe. Fearing this, Devas approached God Shiva, to save the Universe from destruction. God Shiva consumed ‘Halahal’ the poison meanwhile Goddess Parvati placed her hand on God Shiva’s throat, so that poison doesn’t spread in the body. Soon after this, God Shiva turned blue due to poison’s consumption and therefore he came to be known as Neel-kanth (the one with blue throat).


The precise note on the event. But its highly relevant for the reason that ‘Samudra Manthan’ event took place in the month of Shravan. Even therefore, Shravan is considered holy month & ruling GOD is Lord Shiva. As God Shiva saved the Universe from destruction, led the way towards new creation. Devas offered water from Holy river Ganga to God Shiva, for reducing the effect of poison. And, this practise is continued as “KAWAD YATRA” even today, and it is one of India’s largest annual pilgrimage.


Practise followed by Hindu’s during this month is they avoid consuming non-vegetarian & tamsik food, avoid toxic consumption like alcohol or such food item, prefer rock salt, prefer fasting. The scientific reason to this is, Shravan comes in monsoon season, when digestive system is weak due to lack of sunlight and therefore the immunity system also, is the weakest compared to the entire year. And, this season is the season of new cultivation, reproduction in nature therefore tamsik food should also be avoided, respecting the process of evolution.


HAPPY SHRAVAN, PURE SHRAVAN”, this year its from 4th July to 31st August (Saka Samvat ) and from 18th July to 15th September (Vikram Samvat).





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